These digital drawings are drawn directly from images of my studio wall. I deliberately took my handmade drawn and painted work, paper ephemera, antique and vintage wallpaper and fabrics and collaged them on my wall in an associative, but ordered manner. I re-insert paintings and clippings together, with blue tape, and tacks to create this ephemeral wall collage, that moves with me from studio to studio. Many of my installations and paintings have been inspired by juxtapositions on the wall, conversations with objects.
The printed scale for all these works is at least 5x the scale of an image on a screen, so some of the digital failures of the mark can be seen. Iām interested in re-presenting the private and quirky space of the studio in a clear and dispassionate way and the gray-scale re-drawing with a digital line gives me some nuance but also some homogeneity. Trying to look and re-look at the practice of art making, to see if the things that I am using in a talismanic manner in the studio, really do help me speak about a kind of straightjacketed femininity or painters' doubt.